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기본증명서 등 번역인증 작업시 자주 쓰는 단어

by 인천송도인 2024. 7. 27.



인천송도 행정사입니다


제가 자주 다루는 증명서 문서 혹은 서류를 번역할 때 자주 쓰는 단어들을 모아봅니다.




기본증명서: Basic Certificate, Basic Resident Registration Certificate, Identification Certificate, Certificate of Personal Record, Basic Certificate of Personal Information

등록기준지: Original Domicile, Place of Family Registration(Registry), Family Registry Address, Permanent Family Record Location, Basis of Registration

본: Origin of Surname, family origin, ancestral origin

본인: Self, Principal, Applicant

출생장소: Place of Birth, Birthplace

신고일: date of report, reporting date, Report Date of Birth (출생신고일), birth registration date, date of birth registration

신고관서: Reporting Office, Registration Office

신고인: (Birth) Informant, Registering agent, Person who Reported Birth (출생신고인)

송부일: Date of Dispatch, Sending Date, Dispatch date, Date of submission(신청서 등), Date of transmittal (문서전송)

송부자: Transmitter, Transmitting Office(agency)

처리관서: Processing Office, processing agency, handling office, Competent authority, Responsible agency, Issuing authority (증명서나 허가증을 발급하는 기관을 명시할 때 사용)

Administrative office 등도 상황에 따라 다양하게 사용할 수 있음.

법원행정처 전산정보중앙관리소 전산운영책임관: System Operation Officer, Judicial Information Technology Center, National Court Administration

구청장: Head of Gu Office, Gu Mayor, District Mayor(특히 서울의 경우)

동장: Head of Dong (Office), Dong Chief, District Chief

직권: Ex officio

등본: Certified Copy



배우자의 주민등록번호: Spouse's Resident Registration Number, Spouse's National Identification Number, Spouse's Personal Identification Number

(혼인)신고일: Report Date of Marriage, date of marriage registration, marriage registration date


가족관계증명서: Family Relations Certificate

폐쇄: Closed Register, Closure



경력증명서: Certificate of Career (Employment)

재직기간: Duration of Employment

직종: Occupation

직위: Position



근로소득원천징수영수증: Receipt for Wage & Salary Income Tax Withholding

근로소득지급명서: Statement of Wage & Salary Income Payment



생체인식서비스과: Biometric Services Section

형사사법정보서비스실: Criminal Justice Information Services Division



부동산매매계약서: Real Estate Sales Contract

임대차계약서: Contract of Apartment House Renting



관리인: Custodian

후견인: Guardian



필리핀 민간등록사무소: LCRO (Local Civil Registry Office)

필리핀 통계청: PSA (Philippine Statistics Authority)

민사등록청장실: OCRG (Office of the Civil Registrar General)

OCRG는 지방 단위의 LCRO와 국가 수준의 PSA 사이에서 중간 관리자 역할을 하며, 필리핀의 민사 등록 시스템이 효율적으로 운영되도록 돕는 핵심 기관



생활기록부: Student Report Card, Student Report(Student Report Ⅱ)

졸업대장번호: Graduation Record No.

인적·학적사항: Personal and academic information

출결상황: Details of Attendance

창의적 체험활동상황: Creative Experience Activity

미인정: Unexcused

과정: Course

과목: Subject

가정: Home Living, Home Ecomomics

도덕: Moral Education, Ethics

교양: Liberal Arts

한문: Chinese Characters

체육: Physical Education

미술: Fine Arts

사회: Social Studies

바른생활 슬기로운 생활 즐거운 생활: Disciplined life, Wise life, and Fun life

;Social Development(~초교 3학년), Social Studies(초교 고학년~)

실과: Physical Education

선택과목: Elective



성적평가체계: Legend

신청 학점: Attempted

취득 학점: Earned

학점점수: GrPts

평균 학점: GPA

GPA(grade points average): 성적 평가점 평균, 생성자: User

평균 학점: PTS(Points): (적격)포인트,

등록 학점: Enrolled Units

학기 평점: Semester GPA

누적 학점: Cumulative Units

누적 평점: Cumulative GPA

취득시간: Ehrs, Earned Hrs

평점시간, 학점 소요시간: GPA-Hrs

품질점수: QPts

A = 우수

B = 양호

C = 만족

D = 미흡

F = 실패

FN = 실패 또는 불충분한 출석 및 자퇴

A = 평균학점에 포함됨

AU = 수강관찰

CR = 학점

E = 평균학점에서 제외

I* = 미수료

IP = 진행 중

NC = 학점 없음

NG = 성적 없음

PT = 통과/실패

W = 철회

WN = 불참으로 철회



소견서: Statement of medical opinion

상병부위 및 상병명: Injury area and Name of disease

발병일: Date of development, Date of onset

초진일: Initial consultation date, First visit date

향후 치료의견: Future Treatment opinions


소득금액증명: Certificate of Income

소득구분: Type of income

귀속연도: Tax year

원천징수의무자: Withholding agent

종합소득세: Gloval income tax



수료증: Certifiate of completion

과정 완료 날짜: Course Competion Date

수여하다: is hereby grnated to ~

단위, 과목: Module

임상실험용 신약: Investigational New Drugs




1961. 10.5 헤이그 협약: Convention de La Haye du 5 octobre 1961

발급국가: Country

인증 대상문서 정보: This public doducment

문서 발급자: has been signed by

문서 발급자의 직위: acting in the capacity of

문서 발급 기관: bears the seal/stamp of

인증서정보: Certified

인증장소: at

인증일: the

인증기관: by

인증번호: No.

직인: Seal/stamp

서명: Signature



여권: Passport

복수: P

국가코드: Code

이서조항, 보증: Endorsements



위임장: Power of Attorney

전권위임장: commission of full power

집행위임: delegation of execution

생성자: Doojoo

생성일: Tuesday, October 5, 2021, 8:52:13 PM

수정자: Doojoo

수정일: Tuesday, October 5, 2021, 8:52:13 PM

본 문서(위임장)으로 아래 사실을 공표한다: know all men by these presents:

위임인/위임자: delegating person,

위임받는 사람: delegated person, delegatee












재직증명서: certificate of employment

재직기간(在職期間): 생성자: Doojoo

생성일: Tuesday, October 5, 2021, 8:51:50 PM

재임(在任) ,재직: 생성자: Doojoo

생성일: Wednesday, October 6, 2021, 10:36:05 PM

재직(在職)(하다) : holding of office/post one’s office



재학증명서: Certificate of Enrol(l)ment

학적관리국(실): Registrar’s Office

관계자(제위)께: To whon it may concern

총장 대행: Rector per pro


<제적증명서, 호적등본>

제적등본: Deleted Family Census Register (Persons Removed), Certificate of Removal from Family Registry

말소: Cancellation

제적: Removal

폐쇄: Closed Register

호적부: Family register

호적등본(戶籍謄本): copy/duplicate of family registration

호적편제: Compilation of Family Register

전산이기: Computerization of Registration

호적말소: Cancellation of Family Register

말소사유: Reason for Cancellation

입적 또는 신호적: Entry in a family register or New Family Register

호주: Family Head

조사필: Investigation completed




외국인등록번호: Foreign Resident Registration No.

체류자격: Satus of Sojourn

등록일자: Date of Registration

체류자격 변경사항: Record of Status of Sojourn Change


‘출입국관리법’ 제88조제2항에 따라 위의 사실을 증명합니다.: I hereby certify that the above information is true in accordance with paragraph 2, Article 88 of the Immigration Act, of the Requblic of Korea.

발급일: Date of Issuance

체류지 변경사항:Record of Residential Address Chanqe



주민등록표(등본) : Resident registration certificate (Certified Copy)

세대주 성명: Name of the Family Head

세대구성 사유 및 일자: Reason and date for household composition

발급확인번호: Issue Confirmation Number

발생일/신고일: Date of occurrence/Reporting date

등록상태: Registration status

변동사유: Reason for change

본인: Applicant

전입: Move in

배우자: Spouse

외국인등 기록: Record on Foreigner status

자녀: Child

출생등록: Birth registration

거주자: Resident

이하 공란: Hereinafter, blank



주주명부: Shareholder list

(인수) 주식수: Number of shares

지분율: Shareholding ratio)

주식종류: Stock Type

총주식수: Total number of shares

보통주 총주식수: Total number of common shares

1주당 금액: Amount per share



진단서: Diagnostic certificate

병명: Disease entity

임상적 추정: Clinical estimation

최종진단: Final diagnosis

질병분류번호: Disease classification code

배제: exclusion

발병연월일: Date of development, Date of onset

진단연월일: Date of diagnosis

치료 내용 및 향후 치료에 대한 소견: Treatment details and opinions on future treatment

입원일: Date of Admission

퇴원일: Date of Discharge

용도: Usage

「의료법」 제 17조 및 같은 법 시행규칙 제 9조 제 1 항에 따라 위와 같이 진단합니다.: It is diagnosed as above in accordance with Article 17 of the Medical Service Act and Article 9 (1) of the Enforcement Rule of this Act.

의료기관의 명칭: Name of medical institution



출생증명서: Birth certificate

출생신고서: Birth report

출생지: Birthplace, Place of birth

출생아의 부모: Parents of a newborn baby

혼인외출생: Birth out of wedlock

다태아(多胎兒) 출산 중의 해당 출생아의 출산 순위: Childbirth ranking during plural birth

출생신고는 1개월 이내에 주소지의 구청ㆍ시청 또는 읍ㆍ면ㆍ동사무소에 하 며, 지연 신고 및 미신고 시 과태료가 부과됩니다.: A birth report must be reported to the district office or city hall or eup/myeon/ dong office in the place of residence within one month, and a fine will be imposed for delay report and failure to report.



표창장: Citation award, Certificate of Commendation

우수상: Award of Excellece

공훈상: Certificate of Merit, Citation Award



학생건강기록부: Student Health Record

감영병 예방접종: Infectious disease immunization

취학 전 예방접종: Pre-school immunizations

대상 감염병: Targeted infectious diseases

디프테리아: Diphtheria

백일해: Pertussis

파상풍: Tetanus

홍역: Measles

유행성이하선염: Mumps

풍진: Rubella

회색질척수염 (polio): Gray myelitis (polio)

접종: Inoculation

취학 후 예방접종: Post-school immunizations

신체의 발달상황: Physical examination Status

비만도: Obesity

왕복 오래달리기: Long round trip

스텝검사: Step inspection

앉아윗몸앞으로굽히기: Sit and bend forward

종합유연성: Comprehensive flexibility

(무릎대고)팔굽혀펴기: (On your knees) Push-ups

윗몸말아올리기: Upper body roll-ups

약력: Grip strength

50m 달리기: 50m dash

제자리 멀리뛰기: Standing long jump

체지방률: Body fat percentage

신체의 능력점수: Physical Ability Score

신체의 능력등급: Physical Ability Rating

건강점진 현황: Health check-up status

건강검진: Health check-up

구강검진: Dental check-up

검진일: Check-up Date

검진기관: Check-up institution

한국학교보건협회 인천지부: Korean School Health Association Incheon Branch

인천적십자병원: Incheon Red Cross Hospital

나사렛국제병원: Nazareth International Hospital

행복한 치과: Happy Dental Clinic

송도위드치과의원: Sondo With Dental Clinic

송도퍼스트치과: Songdo First Dental Clinic

우리치과의원: Woori Dental Clinic



*호주의 경우

수료증: Certificate, Diploma(간혹 준학사학위 또는 졸업증서)

준학사: Advanced Dipoloma, Associate Degree

학사: Bacheler Degree (우리나라 4년제대학과 동등 졸업증명서)


<혼인, 결혼증명서>

결혼증명서: Marriage certificate

혼인신고: Marriage report, Report of marriage

혼인적령: Marriageable age

혼인신고특례법: Act on Special Cases concerning Marriage Registration

사실상의 혼인 관계에 있는 자: Person having the de facto marital relationship

사실혼 남편: Common Law Husband



강의계획서, 수강계획서: Syllabus

휴학증명서: Certificate of a Leave of Absence

졸업예정증명서: Certificate of Expectant Graduate

학위증: Degree Certificate

통지표: Student Report Card



단서: the proviso

별지 제1호 서식: Attacced Form 1

별표 1: Attached Table 1

○○시행령: Enforcement Decree (of the Act on the ○○)

○○시행규칙: Enforcement Rule (of the Act on the ○○)

○○규정: ○○ Regulations

○○규칙: ○○ Rule

○○령: Decree on ○○

제5조제2항제4호가목1)나) : Article 5 (2) (a) (i) b

조, 항, 호: Article, paragraph, subparagraph (item)

전부 개정: Wholly Amended

신설: Newly Inserted

삭제: Deleted

판결: Decree

주문(판결)한다: Order

재결: Award

소장: Complaint

갑제1호증: Demandant’s Exhibit No.1

의견서: Written Opinion, Statement of Opinion

사건결정결과증명서: Certificate of Result of Disposition on Case

약식명령서: Summary Order, Summary Proceedings

불기소 사건기록 및 불기소 결정서: Record of Non-porseecution & Written Decision of Non-prosecution



의향서: LOI (Letter of Intent)

양해각서: MOU (Memorandum of Understanding)

합의각서: Letter of Confrimation

지급확약서: Letter of Comfort



DFA: Department of Foreign Affairs

CFO: Commision on Fillipinos Overseas (필리핀)

CNI: Certificate of Non Independent, Certificate of No Impediment

AEM: Affidavit of Eligibility of Marriage

LCCM: Legal Capacity To contract Marriage